Monday, November 28, 2011


20. If I had the ability to talk to an animal I would like to talk to dogs. It is said that dogs are men's best friend and I would like to talk to many dogs and ask them if this is true. Maybe, if I talked with a dog that lives with rich people and is treated very well most likely this dog will say yes, because of how he is traeted. On the other hand, if I got to talk with a dog that is not treated that well, probably the dog would say no to my question. I would also like to ask them what is what they think is the best feature an owner could have with the animal. Another thing I would ask a dog is why do they attack peolpe, what makes them take this decision. Is it because they think that person is going to hurt them and the dog wants to defend it self, or is it because that person has done something bad to the animal and the dog wants its revenge or what is it? This is why I would like to talk to dogs if I had the ability to talk to any specie.

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