Saturday, December 3, 2011

Best Advice

10. One of the best advice I could ever gotten was from my mom. She told me that I would never win over a teachers decision and that I shouldn't be arguing about it because it would only make it worse. My mom told me this after I was suspended for aguing with an assistant principle at my school. It all started because a teacher, close to where I hang out during lunch, said that my friends and I were making too much noise. The AP told us that we had to move to a different place, so we did. The AP told us that the spot we had chosen was alright. After a couple of weeks the same teacher complained again that we were making too much noise even though we had already moven away from her classroom. The same AP came and told us again that we had to move even though she had said that that place was alright. So I told the AP that I wasn't going to move from a place she had said it was ok for us to hang out. The AP told me that we had to move if not we were going to suffer the consequenses. I answered to these like this, "so if I go and tell you that you have to get out of your office just because, are you going to do that?" The AP didn't answered back to me and walked away. I thought she was not going to do nothing to me but a security came and took me to the office. Then the AP came to the office and told me that she wanted to see me ID, I gave it to her. After I gave the ID to her she told me, "ok I will talk to you later to see what I am going to do to you and to give your ID back." After 3 weeks I didn't get my ID back and she suspended me for 3 days.     

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