Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Significant Experince

16. One time I was taken to prison with two of my cousins, because we got in a fight and the police took us all. We were at my friends quinciaƱera and it was around 1:30 A.M. We were going home and some guys came to us and started to argue with us. My cousin didnt like that so he threw a punch and we all started to fight. The police came and handcuffed us all and we were put in the car. I was put into prison for like about 8 hours. I had to spend the night there in prison and it was not good at all. The next morning my uncle had to come and paid in order for us to be free. This was a significant experience for me because now I know how it is to be in there. I will always think twice before doing something that will lead me up for this again.

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